Sunday, January 31, 2010

from Wodehouse [004]

"I went to an osteopath yesterday who practically tore me limb from limb. I must say I feel better after the treatment, though not at all sure that all of me is still there. I wonder what an osteopath does if a patient suddenly comes apart in his hands. ("Quick, Watson, the seccotine!") "
<Performing Flea>


茫茫宇宙間, 我一無所有. 只能與這個軀殼相依為命.....總之希望三四月後會變好啦. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The fact is that Apple users like me are the uncoolest people on earth: we salivate, dribble, coo, sigh, grin and bubble with delight. 
iPad About, Stephen Fry

Thursday, January 21, 2010


或許, 在佢心目中, 這名字同"喪標"同level, 仲要係for男人用. 正!  

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

寂寞 總是滋長在微細的地方

"Perhaps it may feel inconvenient that you can't toast two slices of bread in a single-slice toaster, but two-slice toaster makes you feel lonely when you're on your own."
"1枚燒きは一度に2枚燒けないから不便に感じるかもしわないが, 2枚燒きは一人ではさみしい" *
*在21_21 museum 內看到的

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


終於回家. 這個trip的糟糕程度大概也數三數四 (一二兩位好彩仍然好穩陣....) 
還好的是, 對於旅行時的不順, 我的接受能力尙可: 糟糕的旅程才令人印象深刻, 學到的東西較多, 日後提及的頻率也遠比順利的旅程高, 其實某程度上也算"值回票價"啦. 所以, 不要緊, 現在冷靜/平靜地完成就好了. 
過去一年,  很多事情也的確很ridiculous. 但其實又有哪一年不是呢. 如果能將旅途上的豁達確切應用到生活上, 那我的人生會變得美好吧........
新一年起,  願心變得更柔軟.